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Fundraising: How to Ask

During the midst of campaigns, it is very important to make sure to keep morale and fundraising up as high as they were in the beginning. Here are a few fundraising ideas to keep associates and customers engaged:

  1. Have your bakery make CMN Hospital themed cookies or cupcakes and host a bake sale!
  2. Give customers an ice cream float for a donation to CMN Hospitals.
  3. Beat the heat with a Lemonade and Sweet Tea Stand!
  4. Pet Beauty pageant or cutest pet photo contest.
  5. Face painting booth.
  6. Karaoke threat Contest – Associates pay to have a co-worker or manager sing who must sing or pay not to!


ASK: Associates Saving Kids! YOU are the link to helping Children’s of Alabama save lives and treat thousands of kids every year. Asking each customer or member to donate only takes a few seconds, but it can make a an impact that lasts a lifetime.