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eCO Change for Children’s

“As new parents, my wife and I were both terrified to see our daughter rushed to the hospital. The doctors and nurses were incredibly comforting and caring. They were responsive and worked to find the cause of Laney’s seizures.”

eCO’s Branch Administrator, Judd Davis, had a first-hand experience with Children’s of Alabama. The day before his oldest daughter, Laney’s, first birthday, she was taken to Children’s of Alabama by ambulance with seizures. After thoughtful care and tests, they learned her seizures were febrile seizures caused by a sudden spike in her fever. According to Judd, the overnight stay at Children’s of Alabama was truly eye opening to the quality of care provided at the hospital. Laney (pictured) is now four years old, and while Judd is thankful they have not had any issues since, he is grateful to know the hospital is available to their family and families throughout our state.

eCO is currently raising money for Children’s of Alabama. Would you like to support an organization that helps children and families in YOUR community? Please consider donating at:


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